Proud member of the sinister Smart Goat keiretsu.

 Permanent link to: 90 Days To Self-Employment 90 Days To Self-Employment

February 26, 2003 11:13 AM

I don't know if it was evident from yesterday's post, but I'm a little frustrated with work. As far as places to work go, it's probably better than most, but that still doesn't make it good. Angela & I have decided that if we want out, we have to do something. Finding another job doesn't seem very likely, nor is it particularly desireable. I don't want to keep jumping ship -- I want to be the captain... and go down with the sinking ship. Hmm, my analogy took a wrong turn there, huh?

Here's the plan: Each day, for the next 90 days, we will do something to grow our business. I'm not planning to make huge leaps forward each day, just baby steps that will hopefully lead to one or both of us being able to quit our jobs and work for Smart Goat full-time. I have a list of tasks that, in one way or another, will help us promote the company, expand our potential, or improve our current projects. With any luck, more opportunities will present themselves as this thing progresses. I will document each day's work here -- perhaps other people in similar situations will see this and take away some ideas they can use.

At the end of the 90 days we'll assess where we are and whether any of our work was the least bit useful. Then it will be decision time: Do we quit our jobs, do we need more time, or do we give up? I'll tell you right now, you can already eliminate one of those options.

Today is day one -- Stay tuned...

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